FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's IVAN MOODY: 'We Are Absolutely Going To Do An Acoustic Tour'
May 16, 2014Tina Smash of the Jacksonville, North Carolina radio station Rock 105.5 conducted an interview with FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH singer Ivan Moody at this year's Carolina Rebellion festival, which was held May 3-4 at Charlotte Motor Speedway in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can now watch the chat below.
Asked about the possibility of FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH PUNCH embarking on an acoustic tour in the not-too-distant future, Moody replied: "I wll tell you this. We are absolutely going to do an acoustic tour. We are, sincerely. We sat down and talked about it. We're not sure when we're gonna do it. We're looking at probably Christmas time and just doing, like, select few shows — like maybe 10 or 11 places."
As previously reported, Moody has come under fire for screaming obscene lyrics into the ear of a nine-year-old girl who was standing onstage during FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's recent performance at the Fort Rock festival in Fort Myers, Florida. Fort Myers TV station WINK conducted an investigation into the incident, which was filmed by the girl's dad who then posted it on YouTube.
In the video, Moody can be seen standing with the little girl, named Olivia, and trying to get her to sing "Burn, motherfucker, burn" into the mic, which she doesn't do.
Olivia's father, Mark Douglas, told WINK that those words weren't too obscene for his daughter to hear. He explained, "It's a bad word, yeah. It's a word. That's all it is. It's a word... They're going to hear it at school. They're going to see it on TV, movies… It's everywhere." He added, "You're not going to get rid of cussing, swearing."
However, a Fort Myers attorney named Miguel Fernandez had a different view, telling WINK, "This is a form of abuse. This child is being used as a prop. I feel sorry for this child. This child is helpless in that position. What does this child do? She's frozen. To hear lyrics like that, what does it promote? It promotes violence. It promotes criminal mischief. It promotes… just chaos."
County Sheriff Mike Scott agreed with Fernandez, saying, "Words can't describe my disgust, and this should never, ever be allowed in a county park."
The show's promoter, Danny Wimmer, told the station, "While we may not always personally agree with the actions of particular artists performing at our festivals, we support free speech and artistic integrity."
FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH plays Friday night (May 16) in Peoria, Illinois and Columbus, Ohio's Rock On The Range festival on Sunday (May 18).